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Item category: Spas

Skin Science - 1 Decollete Ultherapy Treatment Auction ID: 520463


Item Name: Skin Science - 1 Decollete Ultherapy Treatment
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Higher bidder: U434045 (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 1 ( Hide history )
Retail Value: $1,500.00
Starting bid: $450.00
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Current bid: $450.00
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Reserve price: Yes (Reserve price has been reached)
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Item description

Retail Value: $1,500.00

1 Decollete Ultherapy Treatment. Skin Science now has the only non-invasive FDA-Approved procedure to lift the Neck, Chin, and Brow with NO Downtime. This ultrasound procedure stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin deep within the skin. As we age, the collagen in our skin decreases and elastin starts to break down causing skin to become more lax. Ultherapy works from the inside out to lift and tighten skin non-invasively. Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin, delivering focused ultrasound energy at just the right depth below the skin- to the same foundational layer typically addressed in a surgical facelift. The skin's response to this energy is to stimulate the growth of fresh, new collagen and elastin. See the Beauty of Sound as results reveal a lifting and tightening of the skin over 2-3 months, back into a more youthful and form-fitting position. Further improvements can even appear up to 6 months after an Ultherapy procedure.



Voucher restrictions:

  • No cash value
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  • Cannot be combined with any other offers or certificates.

Voucher expiration date: 2015-12-12


3213 17th St.
Metairie, LA 70002
Phone: 504-309-7048

Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: December 10, 2014 9:00AM
Auction ends: December 12, 2014 6:00PM
Auction ID: 520463

Item category: Spas

Bid History
Bidder Bid Date and hour
U434045 $450.00 December 12, 2014 3:31:38 PM