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Item category: Heating and Cooling

Riley Heating and Air - Carrier Residential Heat Pump System (Installation Included) Auction ID: 840526


Item Name: Riley Heating and Air - Carrier Residential Heat Pump System (Installation Included)
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This item has been viewed 1210 times
Higher bidder: dymmongurl (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 37 ( View history )
Retail Value: $6,000.00
Starting bid: $500.00
Bid increment: --
Current bid: $3,020.00
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Reserve price: No
This auction is closed
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Item description

Retail Value: $6,000.00


*The winning bid will be a unit that does NOT exceed 5 tons


Heating, cooling and humidity control – a heat pump does it all. Except, perhaps, a name that does their versatility justice. Heat pumps look and function the same as air conditioners for cooling, but in cool months when heat is called for, they reverse operation to provide warmth for your home. If you live in a colder environment, electric heat pumps are great in combination with your oil or gas furnace as a Hybrid Heat® solution, which can improve energy efficiency and result in significant savings on your overall heating costs.


Voucher restrictions:

  • Does not include new construction or ductwork


1019 Knowles Rd
Phenix City, AL 36869
Phone: 334-298-1278

Location and shipment
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Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: December 11, 2018 8:00AM
Auction ends: December 17, 2018 1:05PM
Auction ID: 840526

Item category: Heating and Cooling