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Item category: Beauty

Mobile Cryotherapy - 3 CryoToning sessions Auction ID: 859729


Item Name: Mobile Cryotherapy - 3 CryoToning sessions
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# of bids: 1 ( View history )
Retail Value: $525.00
Starting bid: $158.00
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Current bid: $158.00
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Reserve price: No
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Item description

Retail Value: $525.00

Say goodbye to body cellulite, facial fine lines and wrinkles! Cryoskin is a non-invasive body contouring technology offered at Mobile Cryotherapy. Cryoskin's toning technology is a natural treatment that uses cold temperatures to help diminish the appearance of cellulite, fine lines and wrinkles, tone the area, and improves skin elasticity via 2 options: CryoToning Body and CryoToning Facial. 


This package is for 3 CryoToning sessions for 1 individual at a $525 value. 


Patients must participate in a no-charge consultation to determine if patient is a good candidate for the Cryoskin procedure. Results may vary.


Patients can NOT participate in Cryoskin procedure if you have:  


Raynaud’s syndrome, allergy to cold, Cancer, or had surgery within the last 3 months. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should NOT participate in any Slimming or Body Toning treatments, but CAN receive a Cryoskin Toning Facial. Persons with open sores, skin conditions, or acne shouldn’t receive Cryoskin treatment in that area until fully healed. 


Voucher restrictions:

  • Patients can NOT participate in Cryoskin procedure if you have: Raynaud’s syndrome, allergy to cold, Cancer, or had surgery within the last 3 months
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should NOT participate in any Slimming or Body Toning treatments, but CAN receive a Cryoskin Toning Facial
  • Persons with open sores, skin conditions, or acne shouldn’t receive Cryoskin treatment in that area until fully healed
  • Patients must participate in a no-charge consultation to determine if patient is a good candidate for the Cryoskin procedure
  • Results may vary

Voucher expiration date: 2019-12-31


6345 Airport Blvd
Mobile, AL 36608

Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: March 25, 2019 8:00AM
Auction ends: March 28, 2019 5:00PM
Auction ID: 859729

Item category: Beauty