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Item category: Health

Laser Option Alternatives - Smoking Cessation Treatment Auction ID: 277108


Item Name: Laser Option Alternatives - Smoking Cessation Treatment
This item has been closed.
This item has been viewed 677 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $1,000.00
Starting bid: $400.00
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Current bid: $0.00
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Reserve price: No
This auction is closed
Print On Demand Certificate: This allows you to use the certificate the same day you buy it with immediate digital delivery of your certificate to your home or office printer! *additional info below

Item description

Retail Value: $1,000.00

The Smoking Cessation Treatment consists of counseling, laser therapy and booster treatments. Combine this procedure with a true "desire to stop" and you're on the road to success and getting rid of cigarettes. It's not unusual for people to change their lifestyles after they see improvements in their general health and fitness very early on. In fact, your body can improve from the moment you stop smoking. Don't give up! Laser Option Alternatives is one of the only companies that has OVER a 98% retention rate of people that have quite smoking. Take advantage of one of these amazing packages and feel good about yourself this new year!


Voucher expiration date: 2013-03-31


909 Blackstone Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Phone: 262-422-2898

Location and shipment
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If you have a printer problem and are unable to print your certificate for any reason, please contact customer support.

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: September 26, 2012 10:00AM
Auction ends: October 15, 2012 9:06PM
Auction ID: 277108

Item category: Health