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Item category: Weight Loss

Laser Option Alternatives - Weight Management Treatment Auction ID: 277110


Item Name: Laser Option Alternatives - Weight Management Treatment
This item has been closed.
This item has been viewed 659 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $2,000.00
Starting bid: $800.00
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Current bid: $0.00
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Reserve price: No
This auction is closed
Print On Demand Certificate: This allows you to use the certificate the same day you buy it with immediate digital delivery of your certificate to your home or office printer! *additional info below

Item description

Retail Value: $2,000.00

Low Level Laser Therapy can help! Combined with a healthy diet and mild exercise, our personalized laser therapy sessions allow you to burn off the pounds and excess body fat faster than normal. It's a huge accelerator to weight loss. With this powerful, affordable stimulant your results can be permanent and lasting. Real change, however, requires a little common sense and a fair amount of discipline and patience. You know the weight didn't come on overnight and you also know it's not possible to lose it overnight. The average weight loss our clients see is a safe 2 - 3 pounds per week or 8 - 12 pounds per month. Most of them begin to lose inches before the weight and they notice the difference in their clothes. Our unique technology can help to make your lifetime dreams come true.


Voucher expiration date: 2013-03-31


909 Blackstone Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53186
Phone: 262-422-2898

Location and shipment
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Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: September 26, 2012 10:00AM
Auction ends: October 15, 2012 9:06PM
Auction ID: 277110

Item category: Weight Loss