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Item category: Cosmetic Enhancements

American Laser Skincare - IPL Fotofacial and Skin Tightening - two treatments each on full face Auction ID: 394608


Item Name: American Laser Skincare - IPL Fotofacial and Skin Tightening - two treatments each on full face
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This item has been viewed 1168 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $3,100.00
Starting bid: $1,116.00
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Current bid: $0.00
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Reserve price: No
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Item description

Retail Value: $3,100.00

IPL FOTOFACIAL TREATMENT: It's time to love your face again without expensive creams or serums, or waiting to see a difference. American Laser Skincares FotoFacial treatments use the most advanced light therapy techniques to revitalize your skin making your face appear tighter, smoother and firmer as fine lines gradually disappear. Ideal if you're not interested in more invasive treatments, FotoFacial  treatments physically improve the texture of your skin. Whether you want to reduce feathery lines around the eyes and mouth, lighten hyper pigmentation or improve Rosacea, light therapy has helped thousands of our clients feel happier and more confident in their own skin. Fotofacial or IPL treatments utilize the leading advances in laser technology to improve the skin. Intense Pulse Light penetrates below the skin's surface to stimulate production of your collagen. The 30-minute procedure is quick and noninvasive, with zero downtime (although the skin may be a bit pink for a few hours post treatment. .You can expect to see a gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing and dilated capillaries. Other benefits include smoother skin with a decrease in fine wrinkles, reduction in pore size and fading of sun spots.



Voucher restrictions:

  • Valid at Overland Park location only.

Voucher expiration date: 2014-12-31


13338 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: 913-451-3113

Location and shipment
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If you have a printer problem and are unable to print your certificate for any reason, please contact customer support.

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: November 08, 2013 7:00AM
Auction ends: November 14, 2013 6:00PM
Auction ID: 394608

Item category: Cosmetic Enhancements