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Item category: Fitness

Maya Yoga - 10 Class Pass - Maya Yoga Crossroads Arts District Auction ID: 394651


Item Name: Maya Yoga - 10 Class Pass - Maya Yoga Crossroads Arts District
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This item has been viewed 755 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $120.00
Starting bid: $39.00
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Current bid: $0.00
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Reserve price: No
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Item description

Retail Value: $120.00

Voted Kansas City's Best Yoga Studio for 2013 by The Pitch! Maya Yoga offers 2 different types of yoga classes: Ashtanga and Vinyasa. Ashtanga Yoga is a 5,000 year old set sequence of postures designed to bring incredible strength, flexibility, and endurance to the body and a sense of stillness to the mind. This strong intro class will teach the fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga, sun salutations, ujjayi breath, energy locks, and vinyasas to prepare the student for the full primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga's intensity can also invoke positive life transformations off the mat, helping you live fully, with a deep sense of Self in your daily life. Vinyasa Yoga will help you cultivate balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance with this fun, engaging class set to upbeat music that teaches the fundamentals of Vinyasa Yoga including sun salutations, standing poses, balancing postures, seated and reclining poses, backbends, core isolation, and strengthening. Special emphasis is placed on moving into and out of postures safely, correct alignment, using breath, and learning to quiet the chatter of the mind to find peace and inner stillness. Aimed primarily at newer students and those with a casual practice, this class is a great preparation for the regular Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes.



Voucher restrictions:

  • If you have never done Ashtanga or Vinyasa Yoga you must show up 15 minutes early to classes.

Voucher expiration date: 2014-02-28


215 W. 18th St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-679-1053

Location and shipment
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If you have a printer problem and are unable to print your certificate for any reason, please contact customer support.

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: November 08, 2013 7:00AM
Auction ends: November 14, 2013 6:00PM
Auction ID: 394651

Item category: Fitness