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Item category: Spas

Skin Science - 10 Venus Legacy Small Area Treatments Auction ID: 520444


Item Name: Skin Science - 10 Venus Legacy Small Area Treatments
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Higher bidder: dmmdileo (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 1 ( View history )
Retail Value: $800.00
Starting bid: $240.00
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Current bid: $240.00
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Reserve price: Yes (Reserve price has been reached)
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Item description

Retail Value: $800.00

Small area includes: eyes, neck, hand, or decollete. 10 Venus Legacy Small Area Treatments. The Venus Legacy combines Radio Frequency (RF) and Magnetic Pulses, into a technology called (MP); it provides you with a safe, pleasant experience in treatments for the body and face. The pulsed magnetic fields and radio frequency consistently and uniformly heat the skin from the inside out. The collagen fibers heat up resulting in skin tightening and exceptional results. Venus Legacy treatments are non-invasive and painless, with many patients comparing the treatment to a hot-stone massage! The treatment is also very quick and effortless, only 6 minutes for the face and 30 minutes for the body. Patients will experience there optimum results after 4 to 6 weekly treatments for the face and 6 to 8 weekly for the body. The Venus Legacy treatments were designed to reduce the natural signs of aging and reduce the appearance of loose skin, wrinkles, stretch marks, and cellulite, restoring the skin to a more youthful glow. This ground-breaking technology works together to deliver visible, long lasting results and superior patient satisfaction. You will love the results when you see them!



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Voucher expiration date: 2015-12-12


3213 17th St.
Metairie, LA 70002
Phone: 504-309-7048

Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: December 10, 2014 9:00AM
Auction ends: December 12, 2014 5:00PM
Auction ID: 520444

Item category: Spas