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Item category: Entertainment

Segway Pittsburgh - Four Pack of Tour Rides Auction ID: 548330


Item Name: Segway Pittsburgh - Four Pack of Tour Rides
This item has been closed.
This item has been viewed 965 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $440.00
Starting bid: $100.00
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Reserve price: Yes (Reserve price has not been met)
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Print On Demand Certificate: This allows you to use the certificate the same day you buy it with immediate digital delivery of your certificate to your home or office printer! *additional info below

Item description

Retail Value: $440.00

Four Pack of Tour Rides

Segway Pittsburgh Opens for the Season on Earth Day, April 22, 2015.

Segway Pittsburgh is armed and ready with the latest Segway technology. Are you ready to experience the future of mobility? Join us today for a tour of Pittsburgh! Experience the wonder of this future advancement of transportation. We offer multiple tours and routes.

Our highly trained Segway "glide technicians" ensure your guided tour will be a safe, memorable, once in a lifetime experience. Thousands of individuals have enjoyed this magical futuristic activity.

Segway PIttsburgh offers tours of downtown Pittsburgh. We provide each customer with individual instruction to ensure a safe and enjoyable glide, with a two hour tour. Tours open to anyone ages 14 & Up. All riders must wear a flat bottomed shoe with closed toe or a sandal with a strap around the heel.




Voucher restrictions:

  • All four certificates must be used at the same time. Segway Pittsburgh Opens for the Season on Earth Day, April 22, 2015

Voucher expiration date: 2015-11-30


125 W Station Square Drive
Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412-337-3941

Location and shipment
Print On Demand Support:
If you have a printer problem and are unable to print your certificate for any reason, please contact customer support.

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: September 22, 2015 9:00AM
Auction ends: September 28, 2015 7:00PM
Auction ID: 548330

Item category: Entertainment