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Item category: Other

San Francisco Zoo - Behind-The-Scenes Tour at the San Francisco Zoo Auction ID: 578289


Item Name: San Francisco Zoo - Behind-The-Scenes Tour at the San Francisco Zoo
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Higher bidder: arisam76 (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 21 ( View history )
Retail Value: $15,000.00
Starting bid: $125.00
Bid increment: --
Current bid: $255.00
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Reserve price: No
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Item description

Retail Value: $15,000.00

The winner of this package will enjoy a custom-designed behind-the-scenes tour and animal encounter at the San Francisco Zoo. You and five guests will meet members of the Zoo’s animal care staff, who will personally introduce you to some of the Zoo’s stunning wildlife. These animal encounter opportunities are not available to the public, so this is your chance for a memorable experience with some of the world’s most iconic animals. Each tour includes free admission to the Zoo for the entire day, free parking, and a selection of Zoo souvenirs to commemorate your visit.

  • (6 people) Behind the scenes Tour at SF Zoo includes free admission, free parking, and a  Zoo souvenirs





Voucher restrictions:

  • Tour dates and details are dependent on the schedules of the Zoo’s animal care staff
  • Please provide three weeks advance notice with our VIP tour


340 Townsend St
San Francisco, CA 94107

Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: July 29, 2015 3:00AM
Auction ends: August 08, 2015 1:10AM
Auction ID: 578289

Item category: Other