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Item category: Adventure

Global Wildlife Center - Guided Wagon Tour Ten Pack Auction ID: 582634


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Item Name: Global Wildlife Center - Guided Wagon Tour Ten Pack
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This item has been viewed 1387 times
Higher bidder: sdprewitt (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 3 ( View history )
Retail Value: $289.00
Starting bid: $87.00
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Current bid: $100.00
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Reserve price: Yes (Reserve price has been reached)
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Item description

Retail Value: $289.00

Safari Wagon passes for 10 adults or children.

Enjoy a one and a half hour guided Safari Wagon tour over 900 acres of beautiful Louisiana countryside complete with 12 ponds and a lake. During the tour you'll come face to face with bison, giraffe, zebra, camels, eland, and much more! The animals roam free - It's Africa, in Louisiana!

How Long is a Giraffe's Tongue?

You'll find out during your tour when you have the opportunity to feed one right from your souvenir feed cup! Adults and children alike experience the excitement of feeding the animals during the safari while remaining safe and secure in our custom-built covered wagons with padded seating. The Global Wildlife Center is unique because we foster a personal interaction with the animals and believe that touch is the best teaching tool. Be prepared for an exhilarating and educational adventure!



Voucher restrictions:


Voucher expiration date: 2016-08-31


26389 Hwy 40
Folsom, LA 70437
Phone: (985) 796-3585

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Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: August 24, 2015 9:00AM
Auction ends: August 26, 2015 6:00PM
Auction ID: 582634

Item category: Adventure