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Item category: Services

Auction ID: 60922

Item Name:
This item has been closed.
This item has been viewed 392 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $750.00
Starting bid: $300.00
Bid increment: --
Current bid: $0.00
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Reserve price: Yes (Reserve price has not been met)
This auction is closed

Item description

Retail Value: $750.00

Your Deck Medic $750 Gift Certificate valid torward consultation, estimation for home exterior cleaning, concrete(driveway, sidewalk, patio) cleaning & sealing and cleaning, sealing, staining products needed for deck maintenance to preserve and maintain your homes beauty. Ie: 1) Clean, 2) Clean & Seal, 3) Clean & Stainl, 4) Clean & "25 year" Sealant. Let them help you with your chores, so get your job at the top of the list for this spring. Expiration Date: 8/31/2010. Certificates not Refundable for Cash. Certificates not valid for purchase of cleaning, sealing, staining products without Your Deck Medic service.

Retail Value: $750

Address: 1140 West 10th Ave., Marion

Phone: 319-558-8104


Location and shipment

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: September 26, 2012 10:00AM
Auction ends: October 15, 2012 9:06PM
Auction ID: 60922

Item category: Services