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Item category: Gun Supplies

Southern Armory - Alliant Smokeless Powder Reloader 50 (8lb container) Auction ID: 772880


Item Name: Southern Armory - Alliant Smokeless Powder Reloader 50 (8lb container)
This item has been closed.
This item has been viewed 408 times
# of bids: 0
Retail Value: $264.96
Starting bid: $80.00
Bid increment: --
Current bid: $0.00
Next minimum bid: --
Reserve price: No
This auction is closed
Print On Demand Certificate: This allows you to use the certificate the same day you buy it with immediate digital delivery of your certificate to your home or office printer! *additional info below

Item description

Retail Value: $264.96

Winning bidder will receive 1 Alliant Smokeless Powder Reloader 50 (8lb container). Designated for long range, .50 caliber rifle shooters, clean burn with less residue, lot to lot consistency, and superior velocity.





Voucher restrictions:

  • *** must pay sales tax if MO resident *** shipping not included, if applicable *** must pay hazmat fees if shipped

Voucher expiration date: 2018-12-01


9901 Watson Rd
St. Louis, MO 63126
Phone: 314-965-4867

Location and shipment
Print On Demand Support:
If you have a printer problem and are unable to print your certificate for any reason, please contact customer support.

Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: November 23, 2017 6:00PM
Auction ends: November 28, 2017 2:00PM
Auction ID: 772880

Item category: Gun Supplies