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Item category: Beauty

Jiva Med Spa - Forever Young BBL - 1 Session Auction ID: 938036


Item Name: Jiva Med Spa - Forever Young BBL - 1 Session
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This item has been viewed 335 times
Higher bidder: snissley (0) /transparent.gif"
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# of bids: 2 ( View history )
Retail Value: $750.00
Starting bid: $225.00
Bid increment: --
Current bid: $250.00
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Reserve price: No
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Print On Demand Certificate: This allows you to use the certificate the same day you buy it with immediate digital delivery of your certificate to your home or office printer! *additional info below

Item description

Retail Value: $750.00

Forever Young BBL will target the damage that has been done to your skin by aging and the sun, and it gives you a look that is younger and refreshed.

This is a revolutionary new treatment that will actually treat other known skin conditions as well. You will be able to get rid of age spots, freckles (if you choose), redness, small vessels and so much more. You can use Forever Young BBL to reduce the hair you may have and to control troublesome acne. This treatment is not just for the face but can be used anywhere on your body that you might be having issues.

With Sciton Forever Young BBL, you are getting a laser system that will target the imperfections you want to work on but at a molecular level. This will help you to look and feel younger and according to some experts if you get regular treatments you might even be able to hold off the aging process.

At our Columbus/Grandview Heights location at 1127 Dublin Rd, Jiva Med Spa offers the cutting edge in skincare treatment. From body contouring and vein treatments to hormone therapy and plastic surgery, Jiva Med Spa Columbus can rejuvenate and repair your skin, turning the clock back for a younger you.

Office Locations

Jiva Med Spa Columbus

1127 Dublin Rd

Columbus, OH 43215



Jiva Med Spa Dayton

4235 Indian Ripple Rd

Beavercreek, OH 45440



Voucher restrictions:

  • No cash Value, No cash back
  • Please call for a scheduled appointment
  • Items can be performed at Dayton or Columbus Locations
  • Voucher is good thru 12/30/21


1127 Dublin Rd
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-421-7546

Location and shipment
Print On Demand Support:
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Payment methods: Credit Card

Auction started: December 07, 2020 6:00AM
Auction ends: December 11, 2020 5:05PM
Auction ID: 938036

Item category: Beauty